The stores and retails must be in a constant reinvention, because of the increasing competition. That is why it is so important to create confortable spaces for the client, so that he/she can make a purchase in the easiest way.
Here there are some basics tips to implement an interior design which increases the sales of your business.
The Threshold
The first steps the customer does when entering the store, a place of transition from the outside to the inside. This point is crucial because the client receives the first impression of the establishment. It is essential top ay attention to the distribution of the furniture, the lights, the colours, spaces… It is not recommended to put messages and products in this place because the customer is more likely to be distracted.
The Itinerary
Studies assure that most of the people go to the right when they walk through a place. Thus, it is interesting to take a closer look to this location of your store to capture the customer’s attention.
After, you have to move the customer around a itinerary so all your products can be seen. Among the different tactics, the most frequent is to create a defined path made thanks to the furniture and exhibitors, or using different color, textures or material son the floor, or introducing elements that call attention at the end of the aisles.
The Farewell
The point of sale must be placed on a natural stop of the itinerary, also has to be in a place where the whole store could be seen without any obstacle.
The space where the client is going to be charged has to be large enough so the customer can leave the products and belongings. And finally, you can use the wall behind the point of sale to send messages that engage with people and present impulsive purchase products.
As you can read, designing an appropriate interior for your store requires professional experience. If you decide to take the step to improve your store to sell more, contact us, we will gladly assist you.
ERAKUS © 2015